Time to get disentangled and set a clear path. The Lord has need of you! Time to get disentangled and set a clear path. The Lord has need of you! Hebrews 12: 1-3 1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the […]
The Mission of the Kingdom The Mission of the Kingdom To love people and to love God with all your heart (relationship) To see the fulness of Christ manifested in every believer (discipleship) To see the beauty and pattern of heaven manifested in every place within the earth realm (stewardship)
Kingdom building is about building people What we build is not what makes us great in the Kingdom. What makes Kingdom builders great is how they love, serve and sacrifice for others. What we are building in the hearts of people is more important than the churches, organizations or the networks we are developing. While […]