Kingdom building is about building people

What we build is not what makes us great in the Kingdom. What makes Kingdom builders great is how they love, serve and sacrifice for others.

What we are building in the hearts of people is more important than the churches, organizations or the networks we are developing.

While men build institutions, Jesus built people.

Our job as spiritual leaders is to equip people how to express the fullness of Christ in and through their lives. Jesus had five special attributes that need to be taught and imparted into every one of His followers. We are to be imitators of Christ.

  1. He is Pastor – Caring for others, healing the broken
  2. He is Teacher – Speaking the truth from the Farher’s heart
  3. He is Evangelist – Helping people discover the love of God and see the Kingdom
  4. He is Prophet – Helping people hear God and respond accurately to the Holy Spirit as they discover their identity and purpose
  5. He is Apostle – Helping people put feet to their dreams and be successful in their Kingdom pursuits

The joy of Kingdom leaders is seeing Christ emerge in and through the lives of others.

If we model Christ then we reproduce Christ.

If we walk by the Spirit then we walk in the fruits of the Spirit.

If we are building Kingdom then the fruit is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

If we are building something to be great or trying to build a great something then greatness has escaped us.

Matthew 23:11-12 (NASB Strong’s (Lockman))

11 But the greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.